About Us

Every month, JobXpro attracts tens of millions of new users, making it the most popular employment site in India.  JobXpro prioritizes job-seekers by providing them with unrestricted access to its services, including the ability to look for work, upload their resumes, and learn more about prospective employers. We introduce millions of individuals every day to exciting new possibilities.

JobXpro's primary objective is to facilitate the employment search for our users. Thousands of people are dedicated to achieving this goal and enhancing the candidate experience via the use of data and case studies. At our company, we encourage robust teamwork to provide prospective employees with the best possible service.

You should know that Satya Kabir Pvt. Ltd., an Indian company, owns not just JobXpro but also its subsidiaries.

Why Choose Us

Aiming to become India's most popular search engine for jobs, this is Satya Kabir's most prominent employment-based brand.

Services for job searchers include free candidate services, value-added features like resume writing, highlighting, etc., and search tools for the resume database and application screening software for employer and recruitment consultant clients.

With each passing day, our website continues to attract huge user traffic, which is indicative of the fact that we are steadily gaining a fair share of the market.
Our company spends heavily on new product development and enhanced user experiences including smarter search functions and faster load times so that we can maintain our market leadership position.
For those on the market for new employment, the search process has been vastly enhanced.
The long-term goal is to transform JobXpro as a comprehensive recruiting solution by centralizing all goods in one location to meet the vast majority of clients' recruitment requirements.

Meet Our Team

Sandeep Patel

Sandeep Patel

PHP Developer
Ashutosh Soni

Ashutosh Soni

Backend Developer